She could have been Malala Yousafzai and it still would not have been a smart trade. You’re the one making this about race. You’re allowing your own personal politics to cloud your judgment on the issue. Bottom line, the world is a more dangerous place now because of this trade. Rappers go to Russia to smoke weed there? Yeah, okay, because Russia has such a bustling marijuana trade. There are many places in the world where you can go smoke legally. And yes, perhaps Russia officials did it on purpose, but still, why would you give anyone the excuse to jail you knowing where you were going? Arrogance. Being Black, being queer, wearing a jersey with a cause blazoned on it doesn’t make you exempt from laws. And when you know you could be high profile, when you know you could be targeted, when you know you are somewhere with few allies and fewer friends, you should be even more cautious. You can make this a race or a gender or a whatever social cause you want, but frankly, if you cannot see that Biden trading Bout for Griner was a stupid decision that puts ALL people in the world in danger, then you too have an entitlement problem. Bout going free doesn’t just put Ukrainians in danger. It puts all people in danger, including Black and queer women who wear political statement jerseys. If you cannot see the bigger danger, then it’s a good thing you’re not making decisions for the world.