Stop making excuses about "crazy people on the internet." You're not on the receiving end of the hate right now. It's not magnified on YOU right now. You have no real concept of how incredibly hard it is to be both a woman AND Asian and do this line of work and STILL be true to yourself and your life experiences and STILL have compassion and empathy for those who you see hurt your community all too often. You DON'T live in those communities. You DON'T know, and your approach is massively flawed. You could have asked questions. You could have engaged in an intelligent way, but instead you get insulting. You could have asked me why I feel the way I do or said the things I said. You could have TRIED to be understanding, but you weren't. You know one problem about Asians? We're known to be so fucking empathetic to everyone else's cause, but we're constantly SILENCED when it comes to our own. So THANK YOU for contributing to the SILENCE. Your fake "allyship" is noted.