The point is that each of us are responsible for checking our own. It is the same argument when we talk about "All Men" are responsible for speaking up and stepping in when they see other men acting poorly. I make it a point to say that yes, even Asians. We're all responsible. Yes, all Black people need to look out and put in check racism when they see it. It is not saying that everyone is a criminal. It is saying we are ALL responsible for stepping up when we see things go down. Asians too. We're not excluded. We need to check our own as well. Same goes for white people, Latin people, etc. The other part of the article is that to actually have real unity, there needs to be real talk about why there is so much distrust. It cannot be ignored or denied and then think that anything is actually going to be resolved.
You know, I've always admired your writing, but it really saddens me that the message is lost on you and that you find me "always lost and disconnected." At this point in my life, I've never felt more connected and if you never knew this issue existed, then I think it's something you really ought to look into. It may not be your life experience, but it certainly is that of many others. I'm only responding to you because I've read a lot of your work. I'm saddened that you would dismiss this topic so easily without actually absorbing with any empathy. If we are to build community, then we need honesty and this is honesty of so many that have had their voices suppressed. If you looked beyond your own defenses, perhaps more constructive conversations can be had.