Well, that was long and self-serving and as they would say in the south, high falutin. You need to work on your approach, educator, because the light condescension left the tone on your response more gatekeeping than "educational." You know what's a real big turn off about the current tone surrounding social justice right now? Gatekeeping, hijacking, and pitting one against the other, which is EXACTLY what you're doing. You even go so far as to contradict yourself. You say "I'm not saying trans girls have it harder than cis girls" but then you also go on to say "trans girls need feminism the MOST." So which is it? I mean, trans girls would only need it "the MOST" if they had it the hardest, right? And what? Trans boys don't need feminism "the MOST"? Are you saying 10 year old girls that are married off to 48 year old sexual predators DON'T need feminism more than trans girls? Are you saying young women suffocating to death in menstruation huts DON'T need feminism more than trans girls? I mean, I could go on. And maybe this is where YOU'RE lack of understanding on what it means to be feminist and female comes in. Your approach is so attention-grabby and doesn't practice empathy at all. It's so one-sided and it is EXACTLY why you will shut off and lose so many mainstream people and will only win those who are already on your bandwagon, and thus won't work towards unity or cohesion. And this entitled attitude is such a huge issue right now in the current climate of Social Justice. And while you're writing about concern trolling and tone police, aren't YOU doing the exact same thing right this minute? You're quarterbacking onto a movement that was created by cis women, yet you want to hijack it away to spotlight and amplify just your cause and low-key shade the importance and need of it for others while talking out of both sides of your cheeks. Listen, there's enough feminism to go around. It's not like there is a finite amount that we must sparingly distribute less we run out. It's not cookies. This whole "but trans women have it SO MUCH HARDER than cis women" is such a turn off and frankly, offensive. How do you know? Have you walked in cis women shoes? Are one 1 in 3 trans women a rape and sexual assault victim? Because that's the current number on cis women, and to be honest, it's probably more like 1 in 2. Are 1 in 4 trans women victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner? Because that's what we're currently working with as cis women. There are issues on all sides, so don't start this "who has it worse" bullshit. There's space for all of us, but the tone of your little "education" post is exactly part of the problem and not the solution. Your approach needs work.