You're only thinking of the white colonizer because that happens to be the era in which we live, but what they're doing isn't much different from any conquering army has done for a millenia, whether that is Genghis or Constantinople or Egyptians or Chinese or Japanese or whatever. All empires rise and fall and they all practice the same modes of control...except maybe Genghis may have been the most lenient of them all because he didn't force those who he conquered to change their religions and cultures, only that they give up their power to him. Throughout human history, it's been different religions and cultures at different times used to justify greed and assimilation. Ancient world history and the history of wars is fascinating and it repeats itself in how it conquers different civilzations, even in how the Maya and the Aztecs operated. If you want a higher view of how power maintains control, I'd suggest reading up on ancient empires.